Minimum size of the kidney and bladder stone should be 3 mm to have optimum results. Having a good result the smaller size stone is possible only by the analysis of numerous kidney and bladder stone of a same person.

The kidney or bladder stone should be purified all kinds of body excretion and tissue, and should be dried after purification with alcohol and water, if possible.

Kidney or bladder stone should be preserved in a small and clean box or a tightly tied nylon bag before sending for analysis for the analysis.

Kidney or bladder stone should not be sent as wrapped in a bandage.  MTA declines responsibility in this respect as very fine size kidney or bladder stone can hide within the fibers of the bandage.

Kidney or bladder stone should not be stuck onto a tape directly for preservation.

Kidney or bladder stone is destroyed by the related unit after the analysis.

Analysis/Test Code

Analysis/Test Name


Service Period (Workday)

Sample Amount

Service Fee

(VAT Included)


Kidney  and  bladder stone Analysis

Identification of kidney and bladder stone with X-ray Diffraction (XRD) method after crushing and milling the sample.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Method; the kidney and bladder stone is crushed and identified by XRD Analysis device between 2-30º with Copper (Cu) tube.

1 day

Minimum diameter of the sample is 3 mm


30,00 TL