A cooperation protocol "Research on Turkey’s leonardite resources/potential, its quality and characteristics and use in combating desertification and erosion" was signed on 30.03.2021 between General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) and General Directorate of Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) and General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion (ÇEM) regarding research on Turkey’s leonardite resources/potential, its quality and characteristics, cooperation in areas of erosion and desertification prevention, evaluating opportunities to participate in joint work, sweeping of other potential areas as well as creation/execution of potential projects and services.

Within the scope of the protocol, on the axis of combating desertification and erosion in our country's agriculture, it is aimed to conduct research on leonardite resources/reserves that have soil rehabilitation and land grading potential, literature and inventory compilation, conducting survey, sampling and reserve studies in TKI and other large leonardite fields in the country, contribute to the country’s economy at the maximum capacity by developing processes, services and technological information in fields of testing and analysis, achieve minimalization of land degraded or eroded by combating erosion and recovery of possible land as well as creating awareness.

Additionally, within the scope of the protocol, in the areas where three institutions operate, joint research, survey and tech development projects will be handled on the axis of leonardite, liquid and solid humic acid, erosion and combating erosion, regarding research on land grading, leonardite resources/reserves with potential to rehabilitate soil. Cooperation with research institutions and organizations such as universities will be possible for the duration of these research activities.

Furthermore, keeping in mind the increased scientific capacity between institutions under this protocol, effective and efficient use of public resources, meeting the needs of institutions on the collective mind platform, "research on Turkey’s leonardite resources/potential, its quality and characteristics and use in combating desertification and erosion” studies will be conducted.



Date: 30.03.2021