EU Trainings

MTA, with the aim of making its personnel more competent within European Union harmonization process, conducts required training missions and sends the personnel to the training programs organized by other institutions. In this framework, Ankara University European Research Centre (ATAUM) organizes annual trainings, having two terms in each year, intended for European Union subjects for public institutions’ personnel on a regular basis.   
Since 1991, totally 404 trainees has been participated in the following programs which was organized by ATAUM:

  • EU Basic Training Program,
  • EU Career Training Program,
  • EU Negotiation and Communication Techniques Program,
  • Jean Monnet Social Policy Module,
  • EU Cross-Cultural Communication Techniques Program,


  • European Union Law Training Program, organized by Ankara University Faculty of Law.

The topics of the assignments that were prepared by the trainees are accessible from the website  www.ataumodevarsivi.